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Past Annual Results

2024 Shoot Dates
Dates or Programs may Change
20th January Saturday Trap 1.00pm 
17th February Saturday Trap 1.00pm
2nd & 3rd March Annual 2 Day Shoot

20th April Saturday Trap 1.00pm

18 th May Trap Saturday 1.00pm 

15th June Saturday Trap 1.00pm

22nd & 23rd June 100T Double Rise 
20th July Saturday Trap 1.00pm
17th August Saturday Trap 1.00pm
21st September Saturday Trap 1.00pm
19th October Saturday Champ of Champ 1.00pm 
16th November Saturday Trap 1.00pm

21st December Contact Sam 0423 280898 

QCTA Western Zone - ACTA  Affiliated

Location: 5km from Surat
Glenmorgan Road Opposite wheat storage
President: Geoff Moore Mobile 0427 265 505
Vice President: Sam Moore Mobile 0423 280
Secretary: Viv Moore
25 Charles St Surat 4417 
Mobile 0427 265 600


Surat Results 100T Mixed
Saturday 20th January 2024

Overall: Bruce Keegan, Roma 195/200

AA :1st Clayton Cusack, Condamine 221/227

A :1st Mark Pomerenke, Condamine 193/200

B: 1st Goog Ingleton, Condamine 186/200

C: 1st Matthew Sapach, Maranoa 179/200

Thanks to all shooters from near and far that came across to participate in the first Surat Shoot of the year. With 20 shooters, it was a fantastic day. 32• degrees | 66% Humidity with slight winds.

2020 N/A

Surat Christmas in July Results 2024

25T Double Barrel

AA: Brayden McKee AA22 25/25 6/6
A: Sam Moore A21 25/25
B: Nathan McKee B17 25/25

C: Hudson Thomas C15 Junior 23/25 2/2

50T Points Score

AA: Brayden McKee AA22 148/150

A: Viv Moore A21 Ladies 142/150
B: Nathan McKee B17 144/150
C: Kevin Perrin C15 Veteran 137/150

High Gun

Overall: Brayden McKee AA22 173/175

AA: Geoff Moore AA24 166/175
A: Viv Moore A21 Ladies 165/175

Sam Moore A21 165/175
B: Nathan McKee B17 169/175
C: Kevin Perrin C15 Veteran 159/175

Lily Cameron A19 Ladies 154/175


Nicky Robertson A19 161/175


Robert Baxter A19 163/175

Surat 100 Target Mixed

Results 18th March 2023
Overall: 1st Eli Rohrlach AA21 Roma 144/150

AA: 1st Sam Moore AA21 Surat 143/150
A: 1st Nicholas Guthrie A20 Eumamurrin 141/150
B: 1st Shane Ries B17 Maranoa 141/150    
C: 1st Savannah Keegan L,J C15 Roma 143/150 

Surat Results

100 Mixed Targets - 18 Shooters

Saturday 16th September 2023

Overall: Dan Cameron 204/209

1st AA Grade: Sam Moore 203/209

1st A Grade: Alan Pack 192/200

1st B Grade: Glenn Anderson 185/200

1st C Grade: Stephen Wilkin 176/200

Flash Target: Stephen Wilkin

Surat Monthly Shoot

Saturday 18th November 2023

100 Target Double Barrel Day

Overall: Richard Morrison 100/100

1st AA: Geoff Moore 99/100+19/19

1st A: David Thomas 98/100

1st B: Glenn Anderson 95/100

1st C: Simon Betts 94/100

$50 Cash Flash Target:

Corey Fullerton

St George 100T Continental
Results 4th March 2023
Overall: Sam Moore AA21 196/200 
AA: 1st Jason Sipple AA22 195/200
2nd Rod Woodrow AA23 189/200
A: 1st Viv Moore A21 L 192/200
2nd Jim McNaulty A19 189/200
B: 1stTom McNaulty B17 182/200
2nd Stuart Mackenzie B17 179/200 20/20
C: 1st Michael Gibbs C15 J 170/200
2nd Phillip McWhirter C15 163/200

Surat 100T Continental
Results 5th March 2023
Overall: Rod Woodrow AA23 144/150
AA: 1st Jason Sipple AA22 143/150
2nd Geoff Moore AA23 141/150
A: 1st Jim McNaulty A19 142/150
2nd Viv Moore A21 L 139/150
B: 1st Neil James B17 133/150
2nd Stuart Mackenzie B17 121/150
C: 1 st Maryanne Easton C18 L 124/150
2nd Jane Kirby C16 L 119/150

Combined Weekend Winners
Overall: Jason Sipple 338/350
AA: Rod Woodrow 333/350
A: Jim McNaulty 334/353
B: Stuart Mackenzie 300/350
C: Michael Gibbs 284/350

Junior: Gus Gibbs 188/350
Ladies: Viv Moore 331/353
Veterans: Paul Kirby 314/350

Surat Results 100T Mixed

Saturday 17th February 2024

Overall: Matt Moller, Roma 198/200

1st AA Grade: Bruce Keegan, Roma 191/200

1st A Grade: Craig Bischoff, Eumamurrin 198/200

1st B Grade: Simon Betts, Roma 191/200

1st C Grade: Hudson Thomas, Eumamurrin 176/200

Lovely sunny day with some clouds

Thank you to all the shooters that came along and participated from Condamine, Eumamurrin, Roma & St George. We couldn’t have great events like this without your support and it was fantastic to see some up and coming junior shooters.

Remember, you are welcome to come and try your hand at shoot at one of our regular monthly shoots, no weapons licence is required.

Annual Photos April 2023

Surat Annual Results March 2024 12 Squads

Event 1 – 25T Pointscore Cash Divide

AA: Viv Moore AA21 Ladies 75/75, Brian Kneipp AA24 75/75

Ricky Jones AA23 75/75, Greg Matson AA22 75/75
A: Sam Moore A21 74/75, Celeste Barnes A2
1 Ladies 74/75
Patrick McNaulty A19 73/75, Grant Pincham A19 73/75      

Corie Pukallus A19 73/75, Tom McNaulty A19 73/75

Alan Pack V A19 73/75 73/ 75           

B: Craig Barnes B19 73/75, Goog Ingleton B18 Veteran 73/75
Christopher Wockner B18 72/75, Glenn Anderson B17 72/75

C: Johnathon Ballard C15 73/75, Hudson Thomas C15 Junior 72/75

Leslie MacKenzie C15 Ladies 68/75
Event 2 – 25T Point Score Championship

Overall:  Nicky Robertson A19 Ladies 75/75 15/15
AA: Brayden Mckee AA22 74/75 42/42, Geoff Moore AA23 74/75 41/42

A: Bruce Smith A19 75/75, Phillip Nass A18 74/75 3/3
B: Stuart Mackenzie B17 74/75, Christopher Wockner B18 72/75
C: Kelly Sturgess C15 Ladies 72/75, Johnathon Ballard C15 68/75 12/12

Event 3 – 25T Single Barrel Championship

Overall: Ricky Jones AA23 25/25 3/3

AA: Daryl Stevens AA24 24/25 8/8, Geoff Moore AA23 24/25 7/8
A: Guy McPherson A19 25/25, Alan Pack A19 Veteran 24/25 4/5
B: Geoffrey Scott B17 23/25 2/2, Cam Sturgess B17 23/25 1/2
C: Andrew Mitchell C15 21/25 7/7, Hudson Thomas C15 Junior 21/25 6/7

Event 4 – 50T Double Barrel Championship

Overall: Alan Pack A19 Veteran 50/50 52/52

AA: Robert Cross AA21 50/50 42/43, Jill Moore AA22 Ladies 50/50 23/24
A: Robert Baxter A19 Veteran 50/50, Celeste Barnes A21 Ladies 49/50 41/41
B:  Geoffrey Scott B17 50/50 51/52, Goog Ingleton B18 Veteran 50/50 1/2
C: Johnathon Ballard C15 48/50, Hudson Thomas C15 Junior 47/50

Junior: Lucas Pukalus C15 Junior 39/50

Ladies: Viv Moore AA21 Ladies 49/50

Veteran: Rod Woodrow AA24 Veteran 50/50 8/9
Event 5 – 50T Handicap

Candy Cross A18 Ladies 50/50, Viv Moore AA21 Ladies 49/50 12/13

Stuart Mackenzie B17 49/50 11/13, Glenn Anderson B17 49/50 1/2

Leon Taylor A20 49/50 0/1

Event 6 – 15 Pair Double Rise Championship

Overall: Kiwi Morrison AA 28/30 28/30

AA: Greg Matson AA 28/30 24/30, Robert Cross AA 28/30 9/10
A: Eli Rohrlach A 27/30, Geoff Moore A 26/30

B: Bill Allan B 24/30 10/10, Kane McCarthy B 24/30 8/10
C: Trevor Morgan C 25/30, Spike Scouller C Veteran 24/30 8/10

High Guns

Overall: Ricky Jones AA23 295/305

AA: Viv Moore AA21 Ladies 294/305
A: Sam Moore A21 286/305
B: Christopher Wockner B18 280/305
C: Johnathon Ballard C15 277/305

Junior: Hudson Thomas C15 Junior 273/305

Ladies: Jill Moore AA22 Ladies 284/305

Veteran:  Rod Woodrow AA24 Veteran 282/305

A fantastic turnout for the Surat Clay Target Club with a combined weapons safety course and double rise coaching clinic. Thank you to Cherilyn Bickers for the great photos.

Surat Results 18th August 2024

100T Double Barrel 

Mel Sutton - Best Period Dress of the Day

Viv Moore - Overall 97/100

Geoff Moore - 1st AA Grade 95/100

Geoffrey Scott - 1st A Grade 102/109

Trevor Morgan - 1st B Grade 93/100

Kirsty Walsh - 1st C Grade 89/100